Examples of nanoindentation data ================================== .. include:: includes.rst .. warning:: Only square or rectangular indentation grids can be loaded into the |matlab| toolbox. .. warning:: Only .xls or .xlsx file can be loaded into the |matlab| toolbox. Or |matlab| code has to be updated. See the section 'New results file' below. .. note:: For 2D maps, only a sheet with average values at a given indentation depth is enough. But for a 3D mapping, sheet with mechanical properties as a function of indentation depth are required. File examples from 'MTS/Agilent' #################################################### For a 2D map: `MTS_example1_25x25.xls `_ For a 3D map: `MTS_example3_5x5_testSlice.xlsx `_ File example from 'Hysitron' #################################################### For a 2D map: `Hysitron_example_10x10.xlsx `_ File example from 'ASMEC' #################################################### For a 2D map: `ASMEC_example_20x11.xlsx `_ File example after crop and interpolation steps #################################################### For a 2D map: `MTS_example1_25x25.xls_interp_81x81.xls `_ Don't forget to set 'Agilent' for the equipment, when you load an .xls file generated using the TriDiMap GUI. New results file #################################################### In case of other or new experimental results file, the most important is to know the pattern of the indentation grid. Given below a list of potential indentation patterns: .. figure:: ./_pictures/All_indentationGrid.png :scale: 50 % :align: center *Examples of existing indentation grid patterns* For example, the following figure shows the pattern of a typical indentation grid obtained using the software (e.g. Testworks...) of MTS/Agilent. The |matlab| function to modify to load specific indentation results file is: `TriDiMap_loadingAllTests.m `_ Contact `me `_, in case of special data file format. .. figure:: ./_pictures/MTS_indentationGrid.png :scale: 50 % :align: center *Example of indentation grid pattern using a MTS/Agilent nanoindenter*